After reading Wollstonecrafts’s letter one can see she is writing to a former bishop and is trying to convince him that there should better education for men and women and that women should have the same right that men have. It is clear after reading that her discourse community women in general and she is an activist for women’s rights. She addresses the letter to any representative of government to include women in the decision making. She goes on and gives several examples of how this would be beneficial like it is in France. The person she addresses this letter for is not a member of her discourse community and one can infer that it is a man that holds some sort of decision making in including women to have rights.

Young is also a person sharing a speech and for a different reason. Young was born disabled and is giving a public speech about her life. She lived her life as a normal person doing normal things and has realized a problem. She was given accomplishments while she was young for normal things and was expected from normal people to be a motivational speaker. She realized that non disabled people see them and put them in a position where they glorify them. She wanted to tell them the truth about being disabled and that it does not make one exceptional and they should not be congratulated for doing normal things. After reading or hearing her speech we can infer that her discourse community is a group of disabled people and she is giving her speech to people who are not disabled and shed some light on the truth about being disabled.