Muhammad Musharib 

English 1121

Professor Jessica Penner

Quote 1

ā€œThe basic idea was to see whether we had three different coherent and cohering discourse communities, each on its own floor in the same building ā€ (paragraph 1)


This quote caught my attention because the title of this article ā€œ Reflection on the concept of Discourseā€ which means the concept of a group of students or a particular rank of people who are aiming for the same goal.

Quote 2

ā€œMembers of such departments are members of both a local DC and focal one. They understand how things operate in their own institution as they go about their teaching and administrative activities”. (paragraph 18)


I found this quote interesting because it shows the significance of both ā€œlocal DC and focal oneā€.

I have seen people working for different things but their goal is to earn enough money. Such companies include Uber drivers  to the head of Apple. 

I used to work as a volunteer in Pharmacy with a couple of other team members. We divided sections and each section so  We all can work together.