Karan Arakelyan


ENG 1121

Word Count: 364

As it shows, there are many different types of discourse communities. As I listed previously in the other assignments, I would put myself in the musicians, gaming, and artists discourse communities. The main problem with one of those communities that a lot of people have concerns about is mainly the gaming community.

  1. For starters, the gaming discourse community is a bit frowned upon since many people believe us to be nothing more but introverts and in return are not able to socialize with others outside our virtual world. We are considered by most as lazy since all we tend to is video games and results in failure in school and gaining any outside knowledge. Gamer’s are stereotyped very often and common called nerds, or geeks, by the older generation especially a lot of parents who deal with kids that game. Most of this is false information and a lot of studies show that people who play video games excel very highly in their classes and are actually very knowledgeable about their environment.
  2. Another issue that occurs within this discourse community is that the video games that gamer’s play are often very violent which leads to violent tendencies in the real world. While this may be true for some people, most young adults don’t really show any connection to video games affecting the way they treat others and how they behave outside the virtual world. Many people like to make it look as if a lot of violence is directly related to violence in video games. Multiple studies have been done to resolve the issue with children being exposed to violent video games, but the real truth is hidden in how children are raised in the household. According to a study done at Stetson University it states “many studies failed to control for factors that contribute to children becoming violent, such as family history and mental health, plus most studies do not follow children over long periods of time, says Christopher J. Ferguson, PhD, a psychology professor at Stetson University.”

According to this article many of the “violence” that are caused from video games are simple misconceptions that are said from people mainly against our community.