Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #1

Ethan Mau

August 28, 2020

ENG 1121

Prof Jessica Penner

Three pieces of information that caught my attention:
– this course tends to have things due Wednesdays and Fridays

– your style of typing is extremely expressive, as seen typically from English professors
– This is an asynchronous course
I am a very social person, so being in an online class is something new. I realized that especially that being in an asynchronous class, tasks will be a lot more difficult to visualize because there is no direct communication with anyone, if I struggle with the task, I’m going to have to figure out a solution my own. The most difficult part of this semester will be limited communication, as well as finding the motivation/ getting into the habit of doing work for this class. I also would not say I am good at reading/writing, but if it strikes my interest I would have no trouble pushing myself to learn more about the topic. Something I am looking forward to with online classes is the convenience of access of information. If I am struggling with a math problem, I could easily go to Khan Academy and learn some more about the subject I was struggling with.


  1. Ana Lis Amezquita

    Hey Ethan, the fact that is an asynchronous course messes with me. Having school online is definitely going to be something to get used. Online school is already messing me up because you have to keep track of everything yourself which is how it should be but its more to keep track of than hen your are in school. To try to keep motivated try to set routine and I hope i get to meet you more.

  2. Ana Lis Amezquita

    Hey Ethan, the fact that is an asynchronous course messes with me. Having school online is definitely going to be something to get used. Online school is already messing me up because you have to keep track of everything yourself which is how it should be but its more to keep track of than hen your are in school. To try to keep motivated try to set routine and I hope i get to meet you more.

  3. Ziyam Malik

    Hey Ethan,

    I believe this class allows us the best possible opportunity to obtain a high grade. I also, am like you where I am a very social person and feel as if this takes away the social aspect of school. However, I do not mind because at home i feel safe. Online school can get hectic very quickly if you do not keep track of all your assignments. Make sure you check all learning platforms constantly. It is nice to meet you.

  4. Ziyam Malik

    Hey Ethan,

    I believe this class allows us the best possible opportunity to obtain a high grade. I also, am like you where I am a very social person and feel as if this takes away the social aspect of school. However, I do not mind because at home i feel safe. Online school can get hectic very quickly if you do not keep track of all your assignments. Make sure you check all learning platforms constantly. It is nice to meet you.

  5. Ziyam Malik

    Hey Ethan,

    I believe this class allows us the best possible opportunity to obtain a high grade. I also, am like you where I am a very social person and feel as if this takes away the social aspect of school. However, I do not mind because at home i feel safe. Online school can get hectic very quickly if you do not keep track of all your assignments. Make sure you check all learning platforms constantly. It is nice to meet you.

  6. rania mohamed

    Hey Ethan,

    I now see what you mean about this course having assignmnets due on wednesday and Friday. This isn’t a physical class but a asynchronous course and believe me when I say, it’s the most class I am stressed about. This is because I am not familiar whith how the system works at all and it take’s me forever to know where the assignments are located.

  7. kseniia Dymchenko

    Hey Ethan, nice to meet you! I’m very social person too. For me it is new to study online. But I’m found out this class is very interesting. I hope to learn as much as I can. I never used Openlab before. It is king of hard to understand how post the homework properly. I hope you having a good experience!

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