Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020


Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Words Count :206

Micro-Activity #1

“All activities information will take place in Open lab or Google Docs’ ‘ . I’m so excited because I  took English 1101 last semester using this website only so I know the difficulties and the requirements that must be met.

Weekly Agendas-This will help me to be aware of the assignment/s as a result,have to be cautious and prepared to get ready for hardwork and success.Having an instructor that reminds us  of what to do is really helpful (childsplay) that we can have enough time to ask questuon/s based on any conflict we faced online remotely.

Reading assignments-I like this criteria that helps me in literacy to improve our speech and learn more synonyms and antonyms that we encounter/never learn in our daily reading.Another positive aspect of reading article/prompt/papers is that we improve our argumentation and persuasive writing.This helps us to cite evidence ,thesis and main idea of a excerpt/prompt.Only question I have is :How will peer reading accommodate knowing everyone has different times and unpredictable events(natural).My expectations are to learn new ideas and new aspects to evaluate more on my penmanship and Standard English.


  1. Chhring N Sherpa

    Chhring N Sherpa
    English 1121
    Micro Activity #1

    “List and discuss three pieces of information that caught your attention on the syllabus. These could be questions you have about grading or deadlines, comments on the online component, or observations about the chosen readings… really anything that catches your eye is fine.
    “This is an asynchronous course, which means there is no specific time that this class will meet.” I was recently checking
    Write a paragraph (approx. 150 words) where you discuss any questions or concerns you have about taking an online writing class. You can mention anything that confuses or worries you. You may also discuss positive aspects (either that you’ve experienced or that you foresee) about online learning.

    • Chhring N Sherpa

      Chhring N Sherpa
      English 1121
      Micro Activity #1

      “This is an asynchronous course, which means there is no specific time that this class will meet.” I was recently checking the schedule for my classes and it says that English 2 class schedule aren’t available and after I read this it all made sense but I wanted to know what is the actual schedule for English 1121 class (days, time) if possible.

      “Each Friday, I will post an Announcement message on our OpenLab website. It will summarize what we’ll be working on for the following week.” I like this since it helps us to know what we are doing for next week without any confusion.

      “All activities/information will take place in OpenLab or Google Docs.” I also like this since I am a student that usually works in google docs which is easy to use. I have a question about it though since we are not using blackboard where are we posting our google docs works in open lab?

      other than that I understand everything that is written in the syllabus.

    • Chhring N Sherpa

      I mistakenly posted this comment, sorry.

  2. Chelsea Brenyah

    Chelsea Brenyah


    ENG 1121

    Word Count: 303

    List. of three things that caught my attention:
    1. I see that some activities/information will take place on google doc. So I wanted to ask how will we be submitting the activity? Will it be through email, or there will be a link on open lab to submit it through?
    2. How does the writing portfolio works? Do we have to store our papers in a certain file on open lab?
    3. Peer review has always been a challenge for me, because I’m always tempted to be nice, or sometimes its hard for me to find certain ways to make a certain sentence better or take out certain things. I would definitely love to work on my peer review skills this semester.

    Online Writing Class:
    -I feel that this class is going to be a lot of keeping up, and making sure your checking for due dates etc. I also feel that it’s going to be a lot of requirements when it comes to writing papers. But I’m glad that you have the option for office hours because sometimes I need more clarity on the requirements for papers. I like the fact that everything is organized so I won’t be all over the place or confused on what I have to do. My past experience with online class was a bit stressful because it was a lot of class that In had to make sure that I was keeping up with, and some class didn’t have office hours so I had to really try my best to figure things out to my best ability. Over all I don’t really have much concerns about the class, I just know that have to be on my A game, and make sure to not miss any assignments that could affect my grade for the class.

  3. Amanda

    Amanda Feliz
    August 28, 2020
    Prof. Penner

    The first thing that caught my eye about the syllabus is that we are mostly going to be on openlab. The reason this caught my eye was because throughout my experience in college I have always used blackboard.
    The second thing that caught my eye was that the classes are “asynchronous”. Which is something that was interesting because I never had a class that didn’t have the time or day.
    The third thing that caught my eye was the grades; it was a fair grading.

    Something that I question about is what type of topics are we going to discuss about or write about, Or what books are we going to read. Something that worries me is my writing because I tend to make many mistakes especially in my grammar. Or sometimes I have problems keeping my writing in order, my writing could be messy and it wouldn’t be understandable. I hope this course helps advance my writing for the future. The positive aspect about having classes online is that some professors are very helpful and they could help you with something that you are struggling with in the class. You are able to talk to them one on one where you will have a better understanding of what is going on in the class. In some classes professors save the video recordings for the students to rewatch when they didn’t understand something or forgot something.

    • rania mohamed

      Hey Amanda,

      I agree with everything you have stated. The first thing that 100% caught my eye is that we will be working on open lab, which I never herd about until the first day of classes. I definitely like the fact that our professor always replies to our email in a matter of less than 24 hours. And honestly that’s the best part and it does help me out a lot and I can tell it helps out other students as well.

  4. Amanda

    Amanda Feliz
    August 28, 2020
    Prof. Penner

    The first thing that caught my eye about the syllabus is that we are mostly going to be on openlab. The reason this caught my eye was because throughout my experience in college I have always used blackboard.
    The second thing that caught my eye was that the classes are “asynchronous”. Which is something that was interesting because I never had a class that didn’t have the time or day.
    The third thing that caught my eye was the grades; it was a fair grading.

    Something that I question about is what type of topics are we going to discuss about or write about, Or what books are we going to read. Something that worries me is my writing because I tend to make many mistakes especially in my grammar. Or sometimes I have problems keeping my writing in order, my writing could be messy and it wouldn’t be understandable. I hope this course helps advance my writing for the future. The positive aspect about having classes online is that some professors are very helpful and they could help you with something that you are struggling with in the class. You are able to talk to them one on one where you will have a better understanding of what is going on in the class. In some classes professors save the video recordings for the students to rewatch when they didn’t understand something or forgot something.

    • Chelsea Brenyah

      Hey Amanda yeah openly did catch my eyes on the syllabus because I’m so us to using blackboard, and I kinda find open lab a little difficult to use when it comes to posting the discussions .

  5. Muhammad Musharib

    I agree with you this can help us be aware of assignments the agendas the professor has provide it us, but we hopefully can resume physical classes in college.

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