Monday, 11/23 – Friday, 11/27

It’s Thanksgiving week, so this will be a shorter week with fewer things to do (at least for this class)! Yay!

Revising Your Writing!

By end-of-day Wednesday, 11/25, the following activities are DUE (EOD means 11:59 PM):
  • Read through your Major Writing Assignments for Units 1 and 2. Review the comments you received from me in the evaluation comment sections and/or your classmates in the peer review process.
  • You haven’t received an evaluation for Unit 3 Writing Assignment from me yet, but look at your draft and think about what you could change to make it textually clearer or visually stronger, depending on what your U3 project is. Ask a friend or a family member to look at it and give feedback.
WRITING: Micro-Activity #20: Revisions
  • Use this week to revise one Unit Assignment for a higher grade. If you don’t know which assignment you should revise, please take advantage of virtual office hours or my email this week to discuss which project you should revise.
  • Write a post under Student Work: Final Portfolio Work in which you do to the following for Micro-Activity #20:
    • Write a short paragraph (approx. 150-200 words) explaining what assignment you will revise and why you chose this assignment. Refer to two to three comments (from either me or a peer reviewer) and discuss how you will address these comments in your revision.
    • Save the post with the title Full Name, Micro-Activity #20.