Chelsea Brenyah

Jessica Penner

Nov. 2,2020


My discourse community would be, for people educators and also students who may be going through domestic violence. I feel that not many people are aware of how much domestic violence can really affect someones performance in school. This can either lead them to dropping out or feeling class, this can make them act out in school, or even end up hanging with the wrong crowd. As teachers I feel that I you see a student consistently doing bad on assignments, coming in late everyday etc. 9/10 time are probably going through something at home, and as an educator I feel that you should look for theses signs to help them. In my paper I want to focus on ways an educator can help someone who’s going through dwesmtic violence at home, and I also want to focus on how the person going through domestic violence could access resources to help them. And I also want to talk about how this traumatic experience really affects them as a student. I want to use social media to reach this community because I feel that they are more likely to feel less alone, and it would be easier for them to connect with other people who have been through this experience and find resources which helps with this type of situation.