Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counts:203

Wednesday Assignment: 10/14

From the my list of four topics, the most compelled/interesting research topic is “Black Lives Matter to the society/community of people” that we should all care that this topic is the second most trending topic sentence globally which dealt with a major blow to my community and impact me as well. So I believe you’re thinking what question I really enjoy thinking/discussing about well my answer is “Coronavirus is the main cause of not wearing masks or practicing bad hygiene”. I know what some may think why would you put your health before social injustice/s, well sit assured well that I have a valid reason to clear this debate. The major reason is that what’s going on in your background/community/atmosphere can deeply affect your activity/outside services and health that we tend to ask ourselves of why fix the effect than the cause (causality) that’s part of the subject and predicate form of a sentence. For example, a person that has bronchitis or asthma (effect) were to due to air pollution caused by factory(cause) that if you visualize this, the person can move to another location which lowers the probability of his.her condition getting worse.