Ana Lis Amezquita 

October 1, 2020


Word Count: 324

On July 4, 1776, the United States declared independence from Britain. The first section states people have certain Inalienable Rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The second one is all men are created equal and the last one is that we have the civic duty to defend these rights. 

This document is persuasive to me because these are the rights that we have to live by everyday. This is what we have to follow as people living in this country. We can overthrow the government if they are taking our rights away from us and that is the power that we have, as the people. 

When it comes to Randy Barnett’s article in The Washington Post one claim that I feel like it can relate to concerning the issues and problems going on in American Society today is “all men are created equal.” We can all see that this is not true. If all men were created equal everyone would have the same opportunities and that is not very true. We can see that blacks and minorities are treated very poorly and are discriminated against. If all men are created equal we would not not have the reason to create the social movements that are going on right now. There are many minority groups that are still being oppressed to this day even under the constitution that is made to “protect” us. Another claim is “People have the right to take back power from the government.” Now that the election is going on, we have the right to vote and we should all vote even though sometimes people think that our votes do not count, we have to understand that it does. There are big legal decisions that are made based on us and our voices like social reforms and petitions that have reached their way into courts because of petitions.