1. Working on my speech I believe that writing it was much easier than traditional writing. My genre specifically aimed towards a specific goal which made it easier to write about since I was also familiar with my genre. Usually an essay has a prompt to write about and you have to read in class notes and articles. But this being a speech and my own genre to write about all I had to worry about was the research which wasn’t too bad. The readings of Douglass also helped plenty to structure my speech. I was a bit lost on what I really needed to write in regards to my audience. With Douglass’s speech, it was clear that he was directly speaking to his audience as if they were right in front of him.

2) The speech itself was not complex to write and certainly not the most difficult. The only part I struggled with is in this instruction “Your goal is to make your audience respect the issue you are raising and to see it from your perspective. Remember, your audience does not necessarily know or understand your point of view; they may not even consider what you are discussing to be a problem. ” Convincing my audience was pretty difficult since it was tricky to find valid arguments to make to support my genre. But overall, internet research truly helped at the end so the hard part was over once I found some valid points to make my audience go along with what I was saying and hopefully take a different stance.

3) If I had 24 more hours to write my speech I would include more evidence as to why my genre has pros to it and why someone like me enjoys being in it. I would also add as much details to make my speech as convincing as possible to ensure my audience takes in as much details as possible.