Question 1

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a letter to Talleyrand-Perigord, a lead person in developing the French revolution. By the time Wollstonecraft was writing the letter, a France had already gained independence. A constitution that established France as a constitutional monarchy had already been established. Unfortunately, the constitution denied women various social and political rights that were accorded to their male counterparts. Wollstonecraft is writing the letter to request Talleyrand to consider the rights of women in the constitution. The writer is pushing for equality between men and women concerning socioeconomic and political rights. She argues that when France gained freedom, its women were left behind. 

Question 2

After reading the letter, I feel that Wollstonecraft is from the low socioeconomic class in the society. I concluded this way based on her appeal. The writer is passionate about the sufferings of the socioeconomically disadvantaged people especially women. The recipient is not part of the DC. Instead, he belongs to the affluent class. Talleyrand is among the key decision makers in the society. 

Question 3:

Quote 1

 â€śI have produced what seemed to me to be irrefutable arguments, drawn from matters of fact, to prove my often-repeated assertion that women cannot by force be confined to domestic concerns.” (pg 3)

I see that Wollstonecraft is using the appeal strategy to influence the desired action or behavior in this quote. I find this strategy effective since it shows that the letter is a well-thought-out article that is based on reasoning. It is not based on personal opinions and perceptions.

Quote 2

“Fighting for the rights of women, my main argument is built on this simple principle: If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all; if it isn’t it won’t be able to influence how people in general behave.” (pg 2)

Wollstonecraft uses the argumentative strategy in this quote. She presents the two sides of every issue in the effort to help the reader understand the consequences of every action. The style is effective since it eliminates bias. In addition, it shows that the writer is engaging in reasoning.