All good things must come to an end, unfortunately!

Well, we’ve come to the end of the road–at least for this particular class and semester. I’ll be reminding you of deadlines and the like soon, but first, I want to say a few things to this class:

We’ve been through an experience this semester that has been challenging, frustrating, and, for many of us–if not all–depressing. All of those emotions (and any I haven’t mentioned) are totally valid. I’ve had conversations with many of you over the semester, and during each one I’ve tried to say (however awkwardly) how awesome you are and how impressed I am with you. Even if I haven’t spoken to you one-on-one, I still want you to know I think these things about each of you. Seriously.

I hope all of us will have a chance to catch our breath for a moment when this semester is finally closed and let ourselves feel strong in the knowledge that we’ve survived a moment of unparalleled time in recent history. It’s not over–not by a long shot–but we’ve weathered some serious shit thus far. (I hope I don’t get in trouble for using that term!)

I’m honored to have been able to facilitate your writing. As I’ve told many students in Zoom sessions and classrooms, writing is a skill that is honed over time, and that skill only improves with constant attention. Every one of you has written, reflected, revised, and written some more this semester, and you have improved just by doing these things.

I want each of you to continue writing in whatever form you choose–academically, creatively, etc. Writers share thoughts that define a time–any time–but this is a time I think history will want to study.

I also want each of you to keep in touch. I’ve loved running into my students in the halls of City Tech long after they’ve been in my class. I hope we’ll be in physical halls again soon, but until that happens, we’ll have to run into each other in virtual halls by other means. You can always reach me at my via email. Thanks to my iPhone, I Instagram a lot. I also have a website: I’ll admit, it’s a work-in-progress, but you can see some of my personal writing there.

Okay, I’ll stop and get down to particulars:

Last Micro-Activity

There’s one more writing assignment I’m asking you to do. It’s a letter to a student who will be taking my class next semester. There’s details in the Agenda, but it’s basically this: What do you wish you’d known back in August about this class?

Final Portfolios

Remember, the Final Portfolio is due on December 13, 2020! Remember all the details, which are on the Final Portfolio page.

I’ve been generous on deadlines this semester because of the situation we’ve all been through, but this deadline is real, folks, because I have to turn in grades soon after this date. I don’t have time to locate you and your work.

If you don’t turn in a this assignment by 11:59 PM on December 13, 2020, you’ll lose 350 points (this is worth 30% of your overall grade).

Even if your portfolio isn’t complete or as finished as you’d like, know that this is the agony of any writer–student or otherwise–we never feel it’s perfect, so submit what you’ve got by December 13!

Final Grades

Grades must be posted by all City Tech faculty by December 27, so your grade for this class will be up soon after this date. I have 70 students’ final projects to grade, then I have to calculate grades, etc., so there’s a lot that has to happen between the last day of class and that date. I post all grades at once, so please don’t expect your grade to be up any sooner than this.


I’ll say it again: It’s been an honor working and talking with you over the past few months. Be proud of the work you’ve completed; this is a hard class in general, but it’s certainly become even more difficult in the current state our nation and the world is in right now. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break!

Be sure to check the Agenda for the final writing assignment!

Be safe & well!