Monday, 12/7 – Friday, 12/11

Reminder: Be sure to self-review your Final Reflection and email it to me by EOD Sunday, 12/6! If you need a copy of the worksheet, it’s at the bottom of this page!

There aren’t any Micro-Assignments, because I want you to focus on your Final Reflection and Final Portfolio. The only due date is Sunday, December 13 at 11:59 PM.

Please work on the following this week:

  • Continue working on your Final Reflection and Final Portfolio.
  • Attend virtual office hours if you need help with any aspect of the Final Reflection and/or Final Portfolio.
  • The Final Portfolio and Final Reflection are due on Sunday, December 13 at 11:59 PM.
  • This is a FIRM DEADLINE. If you do not turn in the Final Portfolio on the due date as instructed in detail on the Agenda for Week 15, you will lose 30% of your final grade.