Part 1: This semester I have learned that my writing style has improved greatly since there’s nothing much to do at home nowadays when I have to write I actually enjoy it and sit down and write at times before it would be difficult and feel forced when I had to write on topics I had no interest in but now I have more time to think and actually write on topics that interest me, i have developed in positive ways I have learned how to properly cite sources and analyze them and these skills will help me in my future classes

Part 2

Reflecting back on very first writing assignment i remember panicking because i didint exactly know how to do the assignment i dint know where to start or how to start, last time i took english 1 was in my very first semester of college soover a year ago and since then i have been really rusty t be honest with my writing but after a while i started writing down and got a topic i was intrested in and once i got in the zone its like everything i learned just came back to me like riding a bycicle after many years you never forget the basics.

For The second writing assignmet i already knew the tpic i wanted to write about because it was something personal and something that hit close to home so writing about it was intresting and i really enjoyed every second of it while it did feel easier it was still a lot f work and my first time doing an annotated bibliography and i suprsingly did better than i expected.