Chelsea Brenyah

Jessica Penner


Nov. 20, 2020

This assignment has to be one of the most interesting assignment I’ve done by far. When I first started my paper I was stuck on what I wanted to do , at first I wanted to do a presentation, or a podcast, or a song. I kept changing my mind on what I wanted to do an eventually I decided to do visual and text-based. This was a much easier way for me to do this project and let it flow at the same time. It made me less confused on how I was suppose to structure my paper. It was fun overall and I feel that my visuals were perfect way to give the reader an idea of what is being said. I tired my best to make the visuals fun and colorful to catch the readers attention. I really wished that we did peer review on this project because I wanted to edit my paper based on someones feedback. This was a great experience and something new can’t wait to see what is inspired for the next writing assignment .