Genre means a category of art , literature or music that is distinguished by a particular form , content and style. For example, literature has four major genres: poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. I am going to be using Microsoft PowerPoint as part of the genre for choosing a multimodal text unit. I feel like using a powerpoint will help my audience understand my topic much better. You just have to make sure to put reliable information that is facts, which is the most important thing. Again, no matter what the topic is, in my opinion, visuals create more powerful emotions than a typical piece of writing can not do. Through my work, I hope to educate and probably convince people to do something about an important topic that I haven’t decided yet.

In my piece, I plan to have about 4, maybe 5 slides depending on the sources I can find through my topic. I want to convince the audience about my topic and inform them much more about it. That is why they can have deep knowledge about it.