After reading the concluding paragraph of my Annotated Bibliography I think the discourse community that would benefit from my research are college athletes themselves as they would be exposed to the facts of the NCAA. Truthfully I think they know about the opportunities playing in the NCAA can bring but I don’t think they realize their value in terms of revenue. After explaining these points to college athletes I think they will expect to be paid or at least be allowed to use their likeness for monetary gain. Assuming players want to get a piece of the pie they might ask if it’s even possible to do so while still remaining eligible to play at the college level. If players get well educated on this topic there is a strong chance change will occur which  therefore forces NCAA executives to implement initiatives that will favor their athletes more. Realistically I think something that appeals to the youth would attract the attention of my discourse community. I would suggest a song of some kind that would include language and popular melodies to write too. Especially a catchy song that would grab the attention of young adults.