Yaire Castillo

28 October 2020


Word Count:191

I personally think that Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts (graphic novels and film) rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays in order to maintain their audience’s attention. Through the images, sounds and words  of these multimodal texts it’ll make the information given more memorable. The audience will be able to understand the message better and clearer. Honestly,by looking at these samples I can predict how  reading or watching the entire novel or film might affect the way I understand, feel, react to each author’s subject. I already know that I am going to be mad due to the inequality and sad that this has to do with how our world actually was/is. I have worked on multimodal pieces for my spanish class. I had so much fun working on it and enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone which was writing essays. I was excited to show others my work and see their reaction about it. I was worried that I didn’t do it correctly and that I was going to get a bad grade on it.