Dyrisha John

 English 1121

October 26,2020

Word count:211

Micro activity 15

What did you find difficult about doing this type of research? What I found difficult about this type of research is finding a credible source. Also the part that I found difficult is that I had to find different genres and most of the genres that I had where articles or books. there was only like a one Ted talk that i found. But other than that there was no videos that I found . And when I found that Ted talk I had to go more into the Internet do not use the city tech library. 

What did you learn about doing this type of research that you can take to future classes? The first time I’ve learned about this type of research was in English 1101 I think. Because I think we did a research that was exactly like this but instead I did my research on fashion and how the industry will change from then to now. I feel like the only way I will do this research again would be for another English class or a class that asked me to write out the bibliography but I don’t really think I would need this research in the future because of the classes that I have to take.