Posner, Michael. “Why We Should Care About Human Rights: The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights At 70.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Dec. 2019, www.forbes.com/sites/michaelposner/2018/12/09/why-we-should-care-about-human-rights-the-universal-declaration-of-human-rights-at-70/.

The article primarily focuses on the establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how it takes effect around the world. The establishment primarily stems from the tragedies that took place during WWII and the prime reason this declaration was created. The article mentions countries like Yemen, Myanmar, South Sudan and Venezuela who are all undergoing human rights violations maybe now be improved due to the declaration that the UN has put forth. While this doctrine may help with the global crisis of human rights, not many of the countries are willing to commit to the realization of the problem.

The article I read was very well written by the author. The details describe the true events that are taking place with the ongoing crisis and the best possible outcomes with the current doctrine.