Muhammad Musharib 

ENG 1121


Word Count: 309

 I got interested in my question because I am from Pakistan, and my family migrated from India and I would like to know why two nuclear countries are fighting over a small piece of land. The land that originally belongs to the people of Kashmir and is a home to 12.55 million Kashmiris. Hearing the stories my grandparents tell me of the times before this war started breaks me. The stories of hope and happiness brought me joy knowing a part of me belonged there. Hearing the stories always made me want to travel to Kashmir and now knowing that I cannot because of this conflict is a difficult truth to swallow.

Knowing that my people are suffering everyday for a crime they did not commit and the world around them is doing little to nothing to help them makes my heart ache. I want to eventually bring more awareness to this issue and if possible raise donations to help in any way I possibly can. 

 I’m interested because it has so much history and I take specific interest in this topic because I belong to both of these countries and I would like to know more about the conflict and why it’s still going on. I hope to find specific information about how this dispute started and what both of the countries have done to make it better and worse for the people of Kashmir over the years and how people who are in a better and a safer place can help. If I find a piece of information that does not fit my hypothesis then I will try and expand my research question to make my piece more informative and research more regarding the problem and see what can fit or needs to be taken out.