Coronavirus and the problems of massive epidemics on Earth

I think this question interests all people on earth today. The epidemic came immediately to all continents of the globe, affecting many peoples, and at first affecting only older people or those who had problems with the respiratory and circulatory system. Now we can say that many people have been ill, although some do not feel the presence of the disease in their bodies. Currently, there is not a single family in which there would be no such problems with Covid-19 disease. In our family, the same thing came suddenly. Both my grandmother and my mother fell ill. Unfortunately, my grandmother could not cope with such an illness, because she did not have sufficient immunity, she was at a respectable age. Therefore, in May of this year, we lost her. This loss stirred up various emotions and thoughts in my soul. The most important thought – could our family have avoided such a loss or was it inevitable? It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. From the point of view of medicine, it is probably impossible living in a society not to communicate with people. In general, is it possible to avoid massive epidemics on the globe? Of course, I have a lot of questions about this problem. First, I want to understand why such epidemics occur on earth, leading to the death of many people.

After all, such epidemics happen quite often for earthlings. If we take the next century, then we will see several such different epidemics. And not everyone is as big as Covid. For example, if you take the Spanish flu epidemic, the population was dying out at an even faster rate than Covid. But for example, the bird flu could not spread so rapidly. The next question immediately arises. What is the source of these epidemics? Could it be that it is the vital activity of people that is the impetus for the emergence of such epidemics. Perhaps what is happening now in nature – pollution of seas, rivers, oceans – gave such an impetus to the development of another type of flu, which is so raging in the world today.

Or is it some kind of regularity? Will the world be changed after coping with the disease?  Maybe the earth and everything that lives on the planet appeals to people with a request to stop, to treat all living things more carefully. Maybe people need such problems in order to have a breakthrough in the economy? Or, on the contrary, these problems hinder the development of civilization? My hypothesis: “What are the causes of the coronavirus infection and what will the world be like after defeating it”. If, after studying the topic, I see that my hypothesis is not entirely correct, then I will lead the researcher to new assumptions that are more consistent with the research results. Then a new hypothesis will probably be put forward, which will be more consistent with this topic, or expanded or subjected to small changes, my hypothesis, if it is not entirely accurate.