• Muslim immigrants can’t have it all

We all know that being an immigrant in today’s America isn’t easy. You look like an outcast and so you feel like one too. Then comes the first generation Muslim kids in America who have a difficult time holding onto morals and traditions that their parents brought along from back home and fitting into the American culture without being too much of an outsider. This inner struggle with religious beliefs, tradition and culture gets overwhelming and eventually leads to severe anxiety, depression and especially FOMO.

  1. In what ways can Muslim immigrant parents help their kids feel more supported at home?
  2. In what way can schools help kids build a stronger mindset which can’t be easily influenced by hate ?
  3. What topics and projects should schools incorporate within the curriculum to make immigrants kids feel important too?
  4. How can immigrant kids help themselves have a stronger grip on their personality and who they are without feeling ashamed?