Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counts:336

                      Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions

The topic I chose from my list that’s significant to the current rhetorical event is that Black Lives Matter to the society/community of people that we should all care about.

BLM is not asking for special treatment (although reparations are not a radical request), it is asking for the right for Black people to exist safely and fairly in our nation. Some think that this was achieved fifty years ago during the Civil Rights Movement. The definition of racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or mistreatment directed against a person or people based on their membership of a minority racial or ethnic group. Reverse racism is not real in this country because White people are never the minority. Well, what if there is one White person in a room full of POC? It is not about numbers, but rather power. White people in this country have always had the most power regardless of which another ethnic group you compare them to. They colonized and enforced genocide upon Native Americas, enslaved and segregated Africans, took advantage of and later interned Asian Americans, and mistreat and stereotype Latino populations. For these few examples, you can see that reverse racism can’t exist.

As I can reflect on this source that I wrote to summarize black lives matter shows the importance of young people and old that both men and women are victims of police brutality and other forms of racism in society and not only in the U.S but across the globe. People should know that God made us equal no matter what color with different properties of people(inside soul) and has value and respect.

Based on my research I had questions about the BLM(Black Lives Matter)

1.What are some ways would you take action upon this movement?

2.What other ethnic groups are more associated with this principle?

3.What are your thoughts about the Black Lives matter?

4.What negative effect do other races have on this movement?