1.The topic I chose for my annotated bibliography is Human Rights Violations.


As many as 300,000 children are being exploited into forced war and conflict.

Approximately 27 million people are enslaved around the world.

It is said that many inmates who are imprisoned are falsely accused and are not given parole.

Many countries such as China or North Korea are heavily guarded against the practice of religion, traditions and or gaining any knowledge of outside information deemed against government.

Many countries do not practice a proper judicial system which results in unjust imprisonment.

2) This topic specifically appealed to me because I believe this is a major problem that is not dealt with properly around the world. From what I’ve learned is that at least 10 out of 50 people are likely to have their human rights violated and disregarded, maybe even more than this amount. The reality that children are taken and forced against their will to become killing machines is beyond humane. The United Nations recognizes human rights as one of the biggest threats to humans that is currently on going. In this case, history repeated itself and we have not been able to learn from previous mistakes made by people with the same agenda that human right violators practice to this day.


  1. What are some ways that Human Rights violations can become completely eradicated?
  2. How do some countries and their laws allow Human Rights violations to still be practiced?
  3. Where do violations of Human Rights stem from?
  4. If Human Rights were to be erased from existence, how will the damages that are already done be repaired?