Justin Henry

My thoughts on this writing assignment I liked writing because this topic I went threw the change of being big and losing weight. That’s why I liked writing this speech that’s why I changed from writing a letter to instead a speech that could reach out to more people and inform them of what’s happening in America. I also loved the fact that we could interview people and I like to research papers because there is always something new that you could learn fro doing them. I found kind of simple writing this speech only thing that was hard was getting my ideas together. I wanted my speech to reach out to people about the effects that obesity is doing in America. I found it easier to do than the traditional essay it’s my first time having to write a speech. What helped me to write this speech was the Douglas speech because I wanted my speech to reach a lot of people instead of a person hoping to tell others about it.

A section that I struggled with in U1 assignment was the “The fatness ratio has considerably raised hare in the United States. Research shows that forty percent of Americans are considered to be obese, and about eighteen percent are severely obese.”This was because its hard to find to find research because different websites had different ratios it was hard to tell which one was real or fake.

If I had another 24 hours to work on my speech I would probably just re-read my speech but thats about it.