Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Words Counted:282

Micro-Activity #8: Reflection on Unit 1: Investigating a Discourse Community

Well, picking this genre was a no brainer since I have always wanted to create a soccer discourse community, therefore, bring equal change to both desires. As a writer, I expressed my thoughts, feelings, moods, and emotions that I set for the standards in this letter rubric. I chose rhetorical events based on my experience with my past soccer career that I used to have. The letter from Wollencraft that I have read is that she argues about her main thesis “women deserve better” than encourages/motivates me to write even more further discussing about my main concept. All in all, this dedication ensures that no matter what the cost or your ideas that any conflict can be solved by your humanitarian efforts.

For the Unit 1 assignment.there was an issue that I got confused that I had to contact my professor before further involvement. The issue I had, was researching my discourse community that took 3 days for at least 2hrs per day which was troublesome but that’s life. The section that is related to this conflict is “Research the problem you have identified and its solutions”.

Based on what I had written and if given one more day, I would do the following. Focus more on solutions than problems due to the fact that the more solutions the more people will understand what action/verbal should take put. Another and last criterion that would like to try is the Bibliography of my research that I am currently trying in the final draft as I speak.Â