Discussion on Writing a Speech Vs. Writing a Letter 

The model I am choosing is a letter because I believe it would be the easier and fastest way to get my voice heard and point across it would be more of a direct approach rather than a speech which is made to get an unheard message and people to join your side and cause. I say that would not be necessary for me because this has been aongoing issue in the food industry/ vegan discourse community. I believe this genre (letter) will help me express my message feelings directly to the reader better and I can use it to site and post evidence that supports my argument. My Audience would be to the president and founder of Peta Ms. Ingrid Newkirk  and her foundation and campaign of trying to make people become vegans because the way they approach it and spread their message across is horrible and a disturbing way and many have spoked out about it before, My audience would think I’m less knowledgeable about the topic than they are because they specialize in that type of work and as of 2020 veganism has become somewhat of a trend and the relationship between vegans vs nonvegans has become toxic and PETA has done nothing but helps fuel this ongoing war.  

Summary/ Outline: Basically, the main point of my letter to the founder of peta would be to get her and her team to fix their ways of spreading their messages and advertisements to the world I would explain to them how they make these nasty vile scary advertisements that are supposed to make people change their views on animals and make them become vegan but in reality, they have made people turn against them and have caused this negative stigma around being nonvegan and vegan they want to force it upon you and I think that should not be the case so I’m writing I behalf of the non vegan discourse community  that respects vegans and just want the respect back.