Justin Henry

1.) I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of hours I’ve decided to write a letter for my discourse community assignment. I feel like a letter is better to write then a speech in a way because if its something personal you don’t want too many to know about it that’s why Feel like its better to write a speech. Feel like its easier to talk about experiences.

2.) People who are overweight and need to lose weight for health reasons. Most people today are heavy and have obesity . Many people have high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. This kind of like me in the past before I lost weight and change my eating habit.

3.) A lot of people don’t have time to make food at home and such so then they end buying fat food and such . in my first paragraph I will be asking about how people end up gaining so much weight and why.In second paragraph I will explain how they could fix this problem. Third paragraph talking about who my target audience will be older teens there mid twentys .Fourth paragraph different work out plans and such.