Chyna Vazquez 

September 21, 2020


Word Count: 301

  1. The model that I am choosing for my discourse community is a letter. I believe that through a letter I can easily connect with my audience. I can also share my past experience about being a woman in sports and expand on my main idea. 
  2. A letter will help me make my argument because I can directly state the issue within my community and explain why. Also, a letter is a good way to stick to one central idea. Through a letter, I will hopefully be able to persuade my audience about the inequality among women in sports.
  3. My audience would be any critics (men) that don’t believe in gender inequality. The reason why critics may seem the writer different or even less knowledgeable is because society has normalized gender norms. Gender roles mean how one is expected to behave, talk, dress, etc. based whether you are a woman or male. However, in the 21st century anyone has the right to identify themselves how they want. 
  4. During the first part of my letter, I am going to introduce myself. I am going to proceed by stating the reason for my letter. Then, I’m going to talk about my past experience in high school as a female in sports. In the next paragraph of my letter, I will build my argument point by point. In order to build an argument, I will expand on the claims I made in my introduction by backing them up with evidence. This way I will be able to build onto my main idea and explain the inequality of women in sports and even the pay gap. At the end of my letter, I will call for action. In other words, I am going to mention what I want to change and how I want to change.