Ana Lis Amezquita

September 21, 2020

English 1121

Word Count: 314

The model I am using is a speech and that is because it is a wider audience. A speech is better for me because a letter is to someone and some people would not even read it. But if  I give a speech more people would listen and be more intrigued by what I have to say. This model helps me talk about the discourse community I am discussing and that is immigration and the struggles that come along with it. Giving a speech would help me address more than one issue which is very important to me because of the discourse community I decided to write about. This specific genre  helps me make my argument because like I said, it would reach a wider audience. There are so many people affected about what I am going to be discussing. There is so much more that goes into immigration than just coming to a new country.  

My audience is for those affected by it, no matter your age, race or religion and those that do not share the same struggle and those I can help more understand. I think people who are outside this particular group would find me less knowledgeable because of their ignorance. Some people do not understand the struggles that come as an immigrant. And those that can relate would not and find something to relate to  even if it is not all of the main points.  Even though I am young, I know what it is to see parents struggle and I have struggled as well and still do. And there are so many kids, young adults and of course adults that go through a lot of the main points that are below. 

Outline: Main Points 

  • Adjusting to the new life style 
  • Dealing with a language barrier as a foreign speaker 
  • Finding a job 
  • Struggle to make ends meet 
  • Discrimination