Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Counted: 515

Unit 1:Micro-Activity #4

The excerpt “What to the Negro is the Fourth of July” by abolitionist Federick Douglas states that he is arguing about not to honor fourth of July until slaves are set free based on he said.

Quote 1:”This,for the purpose of this celebration;it is the birthday of your National Independence and of your political freedom”.

Paraphrase: The function of the 4th of July is the birthday of our national independence and political freedom that we all want to achieve.

Respond: I accede Frederick Douglas parrot that the objective is to celebrate all concerns that exceeds all race due to the demolition the slaves go through.Although he has respect for the Founding fathers he is troubled of what situation the slaves have to not celebate of.

Quote 2: “We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future”.

Paraphrase: We can only learn from history that we can take the advantage to improve/move on.

Respond:As we go along with life we make mistakes which result in experiences that carry us further in life. The more we learn from the past the more benefits there is for the present/future to improve in society. I acknowledge this quote that this is a life lesson for us as humans we learn and develop characteristics that have never been used before.

Frederick Douglas has introduced some writing strategies into his statement that encourages me as the reader to understand what you are trying to explain to viewers of what they should know as a fact more than an opinion.

Quote 1 :”Your fathers have lived,did and have done their work”. 

 Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using: In my opinion (dogma),I can say that Douglas is using persuasive writing strategy that is to convince the audience (spectators) that we need to change and respect our founding fathers basically convincing followers.This accept all ideas and opinions that gives everyone an opportunity to fit in.

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way: I find this useful that you give yourself a chance to explain a concern or bring about a statement so you can’t magnetize to a single opinion/statement.

Quote 2: “God made all nations of men to dwell on the fare of all the earth”.

 Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using:This stanza states the man who made this  planet and living organisms ,enjoice that he made us equal and not to discriminate by color( racial segregation).The expository writing strategy points it all that the Douglas is focusing on one key factor about god. Frederick justifies the holy bible as a way to support his argument.

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way: I find this  as an useful fact that gives the author to comply with the reader so he/she wouldn’t disagree with a fact rather than an opinion.