Ana Lis Amezquita

August 5, 2020

English 1121

Word Count: 182

  1. The fact that this is an asynchronous course

2. I don’t like that fact this class in on OpenLab

3. I like how organized you are 

Online school is not really my thing. I mean I do like it just because of the fact that I don’t have to commute all the way to school because I live really far. Before this class I have never used this website and to me it is so confusing, I will eventually get used to it. Having online school has taught me to be more on top of my class work even though it is harder to keep track off. My last semester when it came to online school was easier just because most of my professors did not really schedule any zoom or blackboard classes or assigned anything. But this semester things are very different. When taking this class I was really concerned about when this class would meet. I hope that this semester goes as I have it planned. I hope that I pass all my classes and thus semester goes as smoothly as possible.