Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #3: Brainstorming Discourse Communities

Ana Lis Amezquita

August 2, 2020

English 1121

Word Count: 432

On my previous assignment one of the discourse communities that I identified was work. I personally love my job and most of the people there but there are some negative issues that come with it. One of the issues is definitely the lack of communication which is essential when working at a restaurant. Some of my coworkers do not really communicate with me when it comes to telling me when I just got sat and that frustrates me because the customer would be waiting there for me for about five to ten minutes, when I was never aware and it makes me look bad as their server. The next issue is stress. Working anywhere could stress anyone out but when you deal with rude customers and people on a daily basis, it can really get to you. I interviewed my close friend who is also my coworker and she said, “Some people don’t really care and they feel like they can talk to you however they want just because you’re assisting them.” And not just that also the managers taking advantage of your kindness and abusing it. They would make you stay later than usual and you having to do things outside of work and they not caring, stresses me out. My coworker that I also interviewed said, “They always me me stay even if they do not need me and they are making me do things that is not my job to do.” Some things they don’t understand is that not just me but in general, we all have lives outside of work and at my job they expect you to always be available to them whenever they need you and I have a life of my own. The last issue is having a bossy coworker and we all may have experienced this. This specific person thinks that he can tell me what to do and boss me around and it is not like that. They just don’t do it to me but to everybody there. Me and some of my coworkers have actually talked about it and we all feel the same way about. One people I interviewed said, “You can do the right thing but do it with the right attitude.”  My other coworker said, “and it’s not even him/her the problem, it’s the attitude and tone, it’s disgusting.” There is no need for this person to feel entitled or feel like they’re my boss, when we’re both in the same position and do the same thing. They’re not better than me and I’m not better than them. 


  1. Ziyam Malik

    Ziyam Malik

    ENG 1121

    Prof Penner

    Micro Activity #3

    One DC I belong to is my job. I am a CTE teacher (career technical education) in the NYC school system. The CTE community is pretty small and everyone knows each other. While the trades (subjects) in CTE might differ, everyone falls under the same umbrella of teaching. While being a teacher, I’ve noticed that the different trades do not like to communicate with each other. This issue of communication is a very big deal, because the departments can benefit greatly by speaking to one another. The lack of communication sometimes leads to troubling encounters in-between departments which messes up professional relationships between teachers.

    Two other issues I discovered other than communication, are bad attitudes and no motivation. I understand that people have personal lives and things tend to happen, but that is no reason to bring the bad attitudes to the work place. When teaching, motivation is the number one factor that can be a difference between students learning the content or not. Ive noticed, some teachers do not bring the proper motivation to class and it effects the students. When the instructor is relaxed and not putting their all into teaching, the students tell to follow that trend as well.

    To improve communication, meetings take place every Friday where all departments get to communicate with each other. I believe this is the first step to improving communication. While these departmental meetings are helpful, I believe team building activities will also serve as a great tool to help educators of tomorrow. The incoming educators can eliminate this trend by improving communication from the start. While the older educators retire, and the new ones replace them this will serve as a great transition. Newer educators will also have different ways to communicate with their colleagues and students. I believe this DC can benefit greatly by improving these 4 aspects of education starting from educators.

  2. Yaire

    Hi Ana,
    I know many jobs come with negative things but it looks like you’re really going through a lot at work. Just like you, I don’t think it’s fair that there’s a lack of communication in your job. Especially since you work at a restaurant. One would think that there would be a lot of communication in a job like that. Just keep your head strong and remember that you’re just as good as anyone else, don’t let anyone make you feel any less. Don’t let anyone patronize you!

  3. rania mohamed

    Hi Ana,

    I am kind of on the same boat as you. I love my job as do you. I feel like sometimes there can be lack of communication that can be irritating but evenetually you have to get your point across and hope for the best. That’s how i deal with it.

  4. Muhammad Musharib

    Hey Ana, I understand your perceptive of your job and i totally respect however at work you’ll deal with people that you may not like or they may not like you or you, or lack of commutation can also play a roll but people have to deal with it sometimes.

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