Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity 3

Xavier Manzanares

Word count: 327


A discourse community is a community in which people share similar values, goals and forms of communication. High school was my primary discourse community because I basically grew up with all my classmates. My school is a middle-high School so I’ve been with my friends since 6th grade and were so close and relate to each other in many ways such as most of us come from similar situations/ cultures and live in the Bronx also but the issue with this discourse community and others is that like a basic school with its flaws such as bullying, favoritism, small size and lack of programs caused my overall experience to hinder entering highschool with the same people you entered middle school just takes away that brand new fresh feeling of making new friends and getting used to a new setting. in a way i got tired of being in the same discourse community for long since it became somewhat of a repetition, my school also barely had any extra curricular activities such as clubs and after school programs or even trips and i always felt like it should have especially in a small school were student would be able to get closer and share similar experience with each other but it also dealt with a lot of favoritism and at times it would be so obvious it would just make me question like why choose favorites why make other students feel less than what they are?. this makes it seem like there are more discourse communities within the discourse community itself and with that I regret not leaving the school or joining other discourse communities outside school because it’s like having multiple friends with different interest each so a solution to this issue in the school would be to add more clubs/ programs students can join and build their own discourse communities with people that relate to them in more specific ways other than just school and culture.

1 Comment

  1. Karan

    Hello Xavier! I can really relate to your discourse community in multiple ways! I have also been friends with people from 6th grade and we went to the same high school. But the environment felt different since classes were scheduled differently and I didn’t get to see my friends a lot.

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