Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Discussion Question on Geeta Kothari

Ana Lis Amezquita

August 2, 2020

English 1121

Word Count: 166

This piece is intended for different cultures. In some cultures, you cannot eat certain food or drink certain things, like Kothari, in her Indian culture. She did not like that fact she could not eat things that she craved. Kothari would question herself. She wanted to eat American food. She tried not to eat those things because of her culture and her family and following their rules. Even though she complained about all of those things, she did not want to lose those recipes and hold on to her culture. I think Kothari belongs to the “Folocal” discourse communities and that is because she struggles with her Indian culture and their rules and then the American culture even though she is not American. When it comes to food and having restrictions I cannot really relate to her but when it comes to her sticking to her true self at the end I do. I try to be proud of my culture and where I come from.  

1 Comment

  1. Chelsea Brenyah

    Hey Ana I agree with you, although I can’t really relate I know someone who can. My best friend is Muslim and in her religion she can’t eat pork, eating pork would go against her religion.

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