Yaire Castillo

1 September 2020

English 1121

Word count:438

Throughout my four years of high school I went through a roller coaster of emotions and personal growth. It wasn’t until Junior year that I realized that I needed to strive to do better academically and emotionally. I would describe myself as a very timid and quiet person during my Junior year. I was not the type to talk to anybody unless they were my friends. When I ran for class president that was already a huge step for me because I hate public speaking. Becoming class president was such a hard task to take on. I had to make sure to actually make a change in my school like I promised in my speech and remain organized and responsible with the money and school events. The problem with being class president is that your classmates tend to rely on you to get things done not realizing they have to help as well and that sometimes it is difficult being a student and being class president because sometimes you have to be in meetings but also take a test. A catch phrase that continues to arise from this discourse community is “Vote for me and ..” Everyone who’s running to be elected as president make slogans in order to lure people in such as Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama and etc. I interviewed my friend Gina Abreu because she was Vice president for our junior class. Gina said ” Being part of the student council committee was a lot of work but it was a nice experience. The only thing I would ask for would be for our classmates to participate more when making school events.” I also interviewed my friend Miguel Reyes because he won the presidency for our senior class. Miguel said, “When running for class president you have to go in with a strong mindset that things will get done. You have to tell your people that without them things are not going to change. I can not be everywhere doing everything on my own. If they want trips they need to help me brain storm on how to raise money for the trips.” As we can see, the solutions to getting things done is to make sure everyone is participating in order to make a change. Being busy can always be solved by just organizing your schedule. Let your teachers be aware of when you are available to attend a meeting without it getting in the middle of any tests or assessments you are taking. You have to be very determined, strong minded and organized! Things won’t get better if you don’t do anything to better it.