Quote #1:

“As Pope avers, it is “the same man” (or woman), healthy or ill, employed or not, at work or

gambling, wild at sport or sensible in discussion, drunk at an election, good-mannered at

a dance, reliable and amiable in the East End of London, but not to be trusted at the seat

of the central government”.

Response: I found this quote interesting  because it expresses that any person is realistically apart of many different discourse communities that may not all align with one another but ends by saying “the same man or woman should not be trusted at the seat of the central government” The last part stuck out to me as I’m not sure if a person that engages in many discourse communities is incapable of working in the central government, or maybe it’s supposed to be taken metaphorically?

Quote #2:

“A DC has acquired and continues to refine DC-specific terminology. Classically, this

consists of abbreviations and shorthand of all kinds, not including various kinds of


Response: It’s interesting to think that most discourse communities have their own mini language in their own right that aids them in effectively communicating with people in that specific space. My question though is are the members of these discourse communities purposely pushing for “specific terminology”so that there’s a sense of grouping or is it something that is subconsciously and naturally produced through mutual interaction? 

3 Discourse Communities I participate in

Job at Target: As an associate at target my coworkers and I have our own goal of providing each customer with the right info/service they need. We have our specific terminology that we use to communicate when there’s a shipment coming in, where to be and several other little words an average shopper may not be familiar with.

Subscriber on Youtube: As a subscriber to the Royal Family I’m familiar with their goal of spreading positive messages throughout the platform they’ve amassed. As a part of that community on Youtube we’re called the “spicy mafia” and express our thoughts on the video as fans in the comment section.

Boxing: As part of my local boxing club our common goal is strength training, fitness and discipline. When training there’s words a trainer might use to let us know what mistakes we should correct while sparring with an opponent in the ring like “tuck,  don’t flare” and etc. We have an unspoken rule like touching gloves with an opponent regardless if it’s an entire five round sparring match or just a lighthearted quick round.