Kevon Dawkins


English 1121

Word Count:324

Micro-Assignment #3

Brooklyn International stood the most out of the three that I mentioned in my previous micro assignment(Boy scouts,ACE Mentorship and Rooklyn International) due to the fact that I like soccer and boosts morale,endurance and psychological compartment.Based on my experience ,I have faced numerous negative factors about both joining and during the soccer community.First factor was my anxiety,well as you grow ,puberty or other circumstances that you are insecure of,you locked in yourself with no air(oxygen) to breath due to the fact that I was  fat.My weight when joining this community was like “ I am fat how can i have fun with this cause of anxiety. After,that’s when I think to myself that I have a personal goal along with a community goal(social) that I have to achieve no matter what.Second negative aspect of this community is lack of communication. As I said in my previous writing prompt that “Communication is key” without communication ,you can’t be helped or achieve a determined grail you wished to desire. The third and last negative aspect is teamwork.Having teamwork,you gain experience in both productivity and trustworthy service .”Teamwork makes the dreamwork” which stands out this topic that without this you won’t be able to trust anyone even yourself.As  the soccer generation rises with technology,adaptation and evolution,I think there are going to be major improvements to be awaken in the future that being said ,the soccer community can grow even more further with no limits that could be expected as we grow.I would like to add of what i research that” teamwork make you happier”.This is what i like the most that building and encourage a community,you enhance your emotions,moods and feelings but that doesnt say to trust them entirely judging the type of generation we live in.