Ana Lis Amezquita

August 31, 2020

English 1121

1. Quote 1: “One of the many things that I did learn in the investigative process as that univerity clocks move at different speed in different parts of the university.”

Response: This is something that I do not understand or would quite grasp. this is confusing to me. There is probably some science behind it but how can the speed change if you are in the same place or region.

Quote 2: ” However, it is unclear whether, in this era of cell phones, family dispersion, a fluid and uncertain job market for the young, the rise of international and trade, and decline of local crafts and industries, traditional speech communications continue to exist in meaningful numbers.”

Response: What I found interesting about this quote is that nowadays everyone has a phone and technology has taken over. People do not sit down and have a normal conversation or have that type of connection or communication anymore. You go out to eat and the first thing they do is pull out their phone. Even though technology has made a negative impact on how we communicate in person, it has also impacted our lives in a good way.

2. Dance Team: Being part of a team is that we have the same goal and that is to win. We strive to do our best and support each other. We all need to have good chemistry and have good communication between us.

School: School is very important to be and it is for a lot of us. Some of us value school because for us is our ticket way out of our household or bad neighborhood. Everyone that goes to school basically has the same goal and that is to study a profession they love and become something they want to be.

Work: Most of us have a job of some kind and work. I work at a restaurant but no matter what kind of job it is, most of our goal is to make money and try to provibe for ourselves or our families, so e can saupport them.