Prof. Jessica Penner | OL70 | Fall 2020

Yaire Castillo, Micro-Activity #2

Yaire Castillo

30 August 2020

English 1121

Word count: 563

Micro-Activity #2

Quote 1: “For example, when I worked in Aston University, one of the main eating places on campus was the Vauxhall Dining Centre. So, when we had visitors, if I were not careful, I would say some form of “Let’s go to the VD Centre for lunch”.

Response: Throughout the whole article Swales is opening to us, sharing personal experiences that he has lived through in order for us to understand him a lot better. I found it interesting how Swales doesn’t hold back when it comes to connecting his personal life with his writing on discourse community. He describes every experience so well that you are able to feel as if you were exactly there when it all happened.

Quote 2: “One further consequence is that implicit value systems emerge which determine what is seen as good and less good work.”

Response: I found this quote extremely interesting because I agree that everyone knows what is right or wrong. Although, we may know what’s wrong not everyone avoids doing it, there are people who do things even if it’s not something good. We live in a world in which people react to emotion rather than common sense. It is the human in us to make mistakes knowing the consequences that we will be paying later on.

The three discourse communities I participated in are:

Read Alliance

Read Alliance is a tutoring program in which high school students tutor elementary students. The program focuses on helping children better their reading levels. Throughout my time in Read Alliance I learned how to be more patient, how to communicate better with children and how to encourage them to want to read and complete their homework. This program helped me into becoming a mature, patient and responsible young adult. Not only that but it also helped me to get out of my comfort zone and socialize with people who I did not know.

Youth boxing for change

Youth boxing for change was such an amazing program that I attended to. When I first joined into the boxing program I was very scared to get out of my comfort zone because I am not very out going with new people.I don’t really know how to approach people and make conversation. But this program helped me, our mentors would pair us in groups and we will be learning about each other. Not only was I able to socialize with others easily but I was able to strengthen my mentality and physical health. I felt better knowing I was able to have conversations with random people and help in charities.

Class President

When I was in Junior year I was running for class president. And in my mind I felt like I was going to win the position of vice president because my speech wasn’t as good as others. Soon enough I found out that I won and I was very motivated to change the system in my school. I worked with other grades to better the school. We did so many bake sales, movie nights and school dances that were a success that we were able to raise up to $2,000 in just 6 months. Being class president taught me how to listen to others voices and make sure that everyone feels heard. I learned to be very organized, to multitask, to be more determined and demanding.

1 Comment

  1. Kseniia Dymchenko

    Micro-Activity #2

    Kseniia Dymchenko


    ENG 1121

    Word Count: 300

    Micro Activity#2

    Quote 1: Discourse community
    Discussed communities are quite statistical. We can analyze them. We can describe them by 6 criteria. These criteria can be taken from primary sources from lectures of teachers from the Internet as well as give their own examples. In our time, these communities have become dynamic due to the development of the Internet and science. Once 25 years ago, these communities developed at a slower pace than now, but still remain communities in their original form. Yakut families in mountain villages are big example.

    Quote 2: Multiple types of community
    People belong to different communities at the same time. A person can be a teacher at school, be a member of a butterfly society, or go to an alcoholic’s anonymous group. The larger communities a person is in, the more they can adapt to changes in the external environment, are more communicative, are able to get out of difficult situations, and have their own point of view.
    The three discourse communities I participated in are:
    Volleyball team
    When I was on the volleyball team, I discovered that the most important thing in this sport is teamwork. You need to be able to feel your team, anticipate the reaction of the enemy and be agile. Our team won prizes.
    Work in dental office
    During my work in the dental office, I realized that you need to be very attentive to patients, responsive, communicative and caring. And also be motivated.

    University in Russia
    I studied at a University in Russia. In order to learn, you had to be diligent, attentive, responsible, and also work in the classroom. I learned to make drawings, to make calculations carefully. Also I become a successful student in my group.
    All community is very important to people. Without them people can’t grow up

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