Quote 1: “I had been looking for since it would provide socio-rhetorical context for my ongoing exploration of (mainly) academic genres.”

Response: This quote particularly came into mind because I was a bit confused with what the author was trying to say when he mentioned “socio-rhetorical context”.

Quote 2:  “A second set of problems is that the concept of discourse community as originally conceived was overly static.”

Response: This quote as well came to mind especially when the author mentioned “overly static” which I believe he is saying how aggressive some DC’s can become.

According to the definition that Swales makes, the discourse communities I would be put myself in would be musicians, gamer’s and artists.

  • For the first one, as a musician I share common liking’s with other fellow musicians that I know. The way we share our values is being able to play variety of music together and create music that makes others feel happy or sad. As musicians we communicate not through our words but more through the way we use our instruments to convey how we feel inside without expressing any form of words. The assumptions that are made about out DC varies from us classified us as artists but we like to see us as people with visions.
  • As a gamer DC shares the same values almost as a musician. For a lot of us, gaming can be looked at like an art as well. We value our time and think ourselves as creative people and look for the time to spends with our friends. For most people assumptions of us are made and we are thought to be introverts but mainly we just like to spend time with friends in virtual worlds. For communication its a fairly simple aspect. We mainly enjoy communicating through in game actions and when we spend time together that’s us sharing our emotions.
  • For artists we find ourselves value our environment which in return gives us something to value and we do that as a team. Assumptions that we have on us as artists are to over said and we are considered to devoted in our work. To communicate we use our drawings and sketches to express how we feel with others and share common interest.