Xavier Manzanares



word count 414

Quote 1: “To an outsider, a linguistics department, for instance, might seem to represent a collectivity of folks with a like-minded interest in language. However, to an insider, there are clear differences between a phonetician and a phonologist, or between those who pursue the relationship between language and mind”

Response: What I found compelling about this quote is that it kinda opened my eyes up to discourse communities, for example, I’m a gamer, to the outsider I may seem like a lazy person that waste their free time playing games that provide no purpose but as an insider there a many distinct diffrences between us gamers there are a lot different communities and genres people separate themselves into communities within the community itself as you go in deeper you realize its all fragmented as the qoute says and its not as simple as it seems to an outsider.

Quote 2:
“I am, of course, familiar with my local discourse community in Michigan’s ELI. I know when the building is unlocked and how to gain access when it is locked, where the toilets are, and who to ask for technical help. I know which codes to use for the photocopier, and where to find certain office supplies, and so on. However, when I travel to another university for a conference, I do not know any of these things and, unless the signage is excellent, I will probably soon get lost.”

Response: I never considered going to the same college but doing entirely different things classified as a discourse community because I can relate to everything in the quote so I find it amazing how we are all in a city tech community without even realizing it we know things an outsider from another college would not know.

Discourse communities i am or have been apart of include my middle school/ high school its a small school I graduated with the same friends I formed in 6th grade and everyone was pretty close including the teachers and that’s all because of how small the community was so according to the criteria Swales give match it

I recently joined a new group chat with everyone from one of my other college courses in that group chat everyone helps each other by reminding about deadlines sharing missing lecture notes the definition of a discourse community is people who share a common goal purpose and values.