Dyrisha John
August 28,2020
English 1121
word count:234
Three pieces of information that caught my attention on the syllabus
· If you don’t log onto open lab and participate in discussion or other assignments this will be noted
· All assignments have a specific due date
· This is an asynchronous course, no specific time the class will meet
Write a paragraph (approximately 150 words) where you discuss your questions or concerns about taking an online writing class. Write about something that may confuse or worry you. Also discussed positive aspects.
I don’t think online classes is a bad thing actually I find it to be very useful. But the only concern is that I find that writing in person helps me to retain information better. Even now I write my paragraph free handed then I will type it up. I find that I remember what I need to write better then actually typing anything that comes to my head. And also it helps me just so that I can always revise what I’m writing first before I actually type it. But on the other hand this being an asynchronous class I can go to work then come home and do the work that is asked of me which is a good thing because I’m in my own space and especially with everything that’s going on in the world today I would rather be home then to be at school.
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