Chyna Vazquez

August 27, 2020


Word Count: 200

Three pieces of information that caught my attention on the syllabus:

  1. Most of the deadlines for our assignments are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Therefore, I will put it on my calendar.
  2. How will we be able to peer review each others work?
  3. Office hours are available three times a week.
  • One of my concerns about this class is that I won’t be able to finish an assignment on time. Another concern is that I have a difficulty starting an essay and I sometimes overthink about the subject. I also tend to be nice when it comes to reviewing my peers work. Therefore, peer reviewing will be a challenge but I will try my best not to be nice in order to improve their writing. I’m a very social person and I love interacting with others. However, remote learning has altered everyone’s life. Many of us are visual learners, like myself, so we will have a hard time adjusting to online learning. Although, online learning might sound devastating, it is for the protection and safety of everyone. Online learning allows me to work at my own pace. It is a matter of staying organized and keeping due dates on my calendar.