Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #3 Joseph Mastrota

I would like to stay in my YouTube discourse community. What I first observed was it being a novel way to upload anything, and place it to where it could be seen globally. It was such an incredible idea. The nomenclature used emulates a TV station for the individual. Its motto is “broadcast yourself” and your homepage is called your channel, a clear indicator of that vision. YouTube has been around for a long time and I can barely remember some of the first content I saw. I cannot even remember when I created my channel specifically. It does create a community as does Facebook, Twitter, and many other obscure social networks. I think what brings YouTube into the discourse community is that you comment on the posted content. Indeed the desire of the creator is that you “Like, Comment and Subscribe”. The content of a particular post may create a string of posted comments that can be friendly or get pretty heated at times. Unlike many other mediums YouTube has earning potential. If your channel attracts many subscribers and you have many views, obviously you are a good platform for advertising. As I recall what I observed initially were personal channels. And the person would create a video blog of their activities. Like a daily vignette, say my day at the park, or just a short clip of what you thinking that day. The platform developed as being not the best medium for video blogs of short duration. Although some do manage great success with under 3 min clips. It seemed YouTube became a platform for “creators”. Who desired quality entertaining or informative content. YouTube was created in 2005, and as it developed into its own platform, Twitter took some of its content in 2006. Followed by Instagram in 2010, and eventually TikTok grabbed its own piece with a new style in 2016.

I believe it was at that creative time that I became interested in YouTube as a participant. A daily video blog by Casey Neistat had begun in 2015. Right about the same time as DJI was producing its drones with cameras. Neistat besides being a clever writer and director, incorporated this new stable aerial video platform imagery into many of his blogs. He was extremely successful and it was so interesting to follow his success. At the peak of his YouTube career he toured and gave speeches to others that also desired success in similar types of expression projection. The tap was open for anyone who could work a camera and upload the video. Some channels chose to stay within serious commentary of political or societal events. The quality could be from a cell phone on the porch to a actual sound studio, but it was always the content and style that kept the viewers coming back to hear another. YouTube posters became a powerful information source as some were live on the scene. Main stream media took note, the relatively uncontrolled information platform was becoming a social influence. The CEO identified the issue and like other online information platforms of similar design, conceded it had to be policed. But can this policing be done without political bias? Allegations were made to the point where a conference was called in Washington by the president. To discuss the possibility of legislative intervention for the protection of constitutional rights.

One of the great aspects of YouTube that needs to be mentioned, is how it is organized. You can search by creator, topic, key word, genre, or automatically listed similar content that is generated by your search patterns. Some channels is a collection of uploaded music, or instructional videos, classic movie scenes, and so much original content to try to list. I believe to be one of the great successes of the age of internet.


  1. Amanda

    Hey! Joseph I just wanted to say that I made a connection with your Dc problem. Back then in my freshman year of high school I wanted to be a YouTuber as well, it was so stressful because of me wishing my videos were like the people on YouTube that get millions and millions of views. I would put myself down a lot about the videos I would make then later on I just deleted it … However I hope that you don’t do what I did .

  2. jevon

    Hello Joseph,
    I agree with everything you’ve said. YouTube is an excellent website for personal use, such as sharing videos. It is not meant to sell products and services; it is a popular website for video sharing that is open to the public. YouTube videos will appear in the search engines of both YouTube & Google. You can get your brand that brings millions of views, introduce your company & the benefits of your products, and they’re all free of charge.

  3. Rex Dovolani

    Hi Jospeh,
    I agree with your statement how YouTube “became a platform for creators.” YouTube has allowed people to stay entertained with whether it is music, daily vlogs or educational videos. The creators of the channels put a lot of work into their channels when editing and uploading videos. The fact that they can make income for something they love to do is a great thing.

  4. Rex Dovolani

    Hi Jospeh,
    I agree with your statement how YouTube “became a platform for creators.” YouTube has allowed people to stay entertained with whether it is music, daily vlogs or educational videos. The creators of the channels put a lot of work into their channels when editing and uploading videos. The fact that they can make income for something they love to do is a great thing.

  5. Sumon Alam

    Hello Joseph,
    I would like to make a connection on your YouTube discourse community because I’m also planning on joining YouTube because I’m good in Math, currently I’m taking Calculus 2 and I’m liking it and its straight forward for me.

  6. Sumon Alam

    Hello Joseph,
    I would like to make a connection on your YouTube discourse community because I’m also planning on joining YouTube because I’m good in Math, currently I’m taking Calculus 2 and I’m liking it and its straight forward for me.

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