Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #3: Brainstorming Discourse Communities

Sumon Alam

English 1121

Professor Jessica Penner

It comes to no surprise that discourse community does face issues while moving into a new place where other communities have been living in, however, it mainly sometime depends on the person the reason being is that some people have their religious beliefs which all of us have to respect, however, some people are not that religious which also all of us should respect. The issues that mainly are religious factors because the Hindu community like Geeta Kothari’s story cannot eat meat, Muslim Community which I belong to, We have an Islamic way of slaughtering a cow and chicken meat. Also, the ethnicity can play a major factor because Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal and a Person From Canada or the United States of America you can see the difference between these ethnicities because Countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal are located in the continent of Asia and U.S and Canada belong to the Continent of North America. 

My colleagues that are living here for studies and came from different countries around the globe. If we were to divide each section by their major there qualification it will be a different discourse community. 

People also get qualification benefits when moving to a different country because if you are an immigrant and you speak more than one language and you earn more above Associates degree in any major, because you speak another language you can fill your resume on the section of the language of whatever you speak. After all, since you do speak more than one language your chances of getting that specific job are much higher than a person who can only speak one language. After all, businesses want to grow more and get as many customers as they can, and to do that they need a person who can speak the customer’s language so this can also be part of the discourse community because of either its issue or benefit that a person or community faces if it’s reaching the same goal but differently than it’s very beneficial to that person and the community.

1 Comment

  1. Jean Holmi Germain

    Hi Sunon,
    I do agree with you when you related in your discourse community issues, people who speak only one language. It is a problem that many people in my discourse community face, when you speak more than one language, you have more advantades than someone who speaks only one language. in my discourse community when a person comes for the first time in USA, and this person speaks only his mother language, he does not speak English, he will have problem integrating the American community.

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