what I found interesting about this project was, that it was interesting the way it was formatead I’ve never written something like this and I hope i write more things like this in the future. I honestly feel it seemed easer then a regular paper bucease there wasn’t much to research since I used the City Tech Data Base. I feel that compared to another a regular paper in this your just talking about your argument and not having to make a counter claim to support your argumente, and show them why your side is correct. I feel that its really straight forward here and why this paper is being written and the reasoning behind it. There was a few difficult parts here and there for example the summary the reason why I say that is, it was a lot of information I had to put into the summary and put information that would support my argument and why I am writing this paper. Another part I could say was a little challenging was the reflection part and the reason I say that is, I really had to show the reader why I am writing about this and convince who ever is reading this to show them why they should care about this topic as well. Not only that but also, to show that the argument I am making is really important in today’s society, and how many people can help in their own little way to make it happen. What I learned from this research was just another way of making an argument, for people to hear your voice and show them in what you believe and want, in a very informative and effective way. What I will take with this in future classes is probably the format of making an effective argument for many presentations and papers I will have to write in the future.