Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11- Jevon Williams

Jevon Williams

ENG 1121



Micro-Activity – Deforestation


Although most of these rainforests are currently located in any densely populated area in the Amazon rainforest, there are trees and other plants; deforestation is still possible.

Forests account for more than 30% of the Earth’s surface, the World Wildlife Fund says. These wooded areas can supply over a billion people with food, medicine, and fuel. Worldwide, forests provide forest employment for 13.4 million people and forest-related jobs for 41 million other people.

The loss of trees and other plants can lead to climate change, desertification, soil erosion, crop reduction, flooding, increased atmospheric greenhouse gases, and many local problems.

Deforestation occurs for several reasons, including agriculture, with 80 percent of deforestation caused by extensive livestock farming and logging.

Summary: Deforestation is deliberate, natural, or accidental means for clearing, destroying, or otherwise removing trees. The tropics are now mostly deforested. Areas previously unavailable are now accessible as new roads are built across the dense forests. Deforestation has been happening for millennia, perhaps since people started to transform from the hunter to the farm society and needed massive, unblocked roads to accommodate livestock, crops, and housing. It became an epidemic only after the beginning of the modern era. Forests are a resource and significant undeveloped areas of land that can be transformed for agriculture and pasture. In North America, between the 1600s and the late 1800s, about half of the forests on the eastern side of the continent were cut down to produce timber.


Who will increase the hummus, water table, soil quality? If trees weren’t there, who will keep the ecosystem in balance?

As deforestation is likely to occur, roof-top planting will be used to compensate for the effects of deforestation, such as urbanization, what eco-friendly methods will later be used to reduce long-term pollution/waste, etc.?

What are the methods of deforestation expansion?

Are there alternatives to processes or products requiring deforestation?

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions! (I’m unsure what you meant by “hummus.” Please clarify.)

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