There are certain issues I feel passionately about and would be willing to sacrifice for. Social problems that exist today are Social Injustice, education, cyber bullying and health care.

Problem: Social Injustice

Cause: The unequal treatment of others due to race and discrimination are two examples that exist in todays society. People with color have struggled throughout decades due to discrimination. Non-white people have not had the luxury of receiving high incomes and high ranking jobs like white people have had. Another cause of social injustice is how an individual is accused of a crime they did not commit.

Problem: Education

Causes: Fully remote learning has had a negative impact on students. Kids have been unable to adjust to the new learning format. Therefore, we need a system where we can better education and make it easier for our students to learn. On top of this, schools receive no funding from the government to give students the capacity to learn and understand certain concepts.

Problem: Cyber Bullying

Causes: The internet has been very helpful for different resources for society. However, people seem to take advantage of the internet on many occasions. Online threats, such as rude tweets, posts, messages or posting personal information to hurt or embarrass an individual is all an example of cyber bullying. Many posts are often not taken down and once its out there its there forever. Cyber bullying has been increasingly common and more often occurs among teens.

Problem: Health Care

Causes: Communication problems in our health care system have had a major impact on us. Doctors tend to fail to communicate with patients and there families. “Communication problemsĀ happened between providers, as well as between providersĀ andĀ patients. In some cases, a combination of both issues caused patient harm.” Financial issues are also a rising problem among the healthcare system, many families struggle to put forward a payment plan toward their insurance companies each month.
